IDA 111

IDA111 - Administration of Irvine Campus Housing Community Program

IDA 111

July 21, 1995


RE: Redelegation of Authority - Administration of Irvine Campus Housing Community Program

The authority to administer the Irvine Campus Housing Community Program was delegated to the Chancellor of the Irvine campus by Presidential Delegation of Authority DA 0915, October 28, 1986, amended March 28, 1989, and confirmed by DA 1014, December 14, 1989. I am redelegating that authority to the Executive Vice Chancellor.

This authority may not be redelegated further and supersedes the May 7, 1987 delegation of authority from Chancellor Peltason on the same subject.


Laurel L. Wilkening

cc: Treasurer of The Regents
General Counsel and Vice President for Legal Affairs
Senior Vice President-Business and Finance
Special Assistant, Coordination and Review
Counsel to the Chancellor
Director, Internal Audit
Coordinator, Campus Administrative Policies