IDA 629

IDA629 - Honoraria


IDA 629

June 25, 2021


RE:  Delegation of Authority – Honoraria

Chancellors have been delegated authority regarding approvals of honoraria in Academic Personnel Manual, Section 666 (APM 666) and in the letter from the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs re: Additional Compensation for Lectures and Similar Services (Honoraria).

An honorarium is:

  • a payment granted to an individual in recognition of a special service or distinguished achievement for which propriety precludes setting a fixed price.
    • if parties enter into a formal agreement on price, the transaction constitutes an agreement/contract, not an honorarium. Honoraria correspondence does not include terms and conditions or result in the receipt of an invoice for payment. Agreements/contracts are subject to procurement policies and procedures.
  • payment (generally not required) by the university to an academic appointee for occasional lectures and similar public appearances beyond normal academic responsibilities to the university. Such service (though possibly related to normal responsibilities) falls outside the appointee’s normal academic responsibilities due to the nature of the work or where it is performed (e.g., delivering an occasional lecture at a campus other than the home campus). More than occasional teaching at a campus other than the home campus is covered by a multi-location agreement. Honoraria may be paid only under the conditions described in APM 666.

Generally, honoraria are paid to persons of scholarly or professional standing in conjunction with an academic activity. Both employees of the University of California and individuals who are not university employees are eligible to receive honorarium payments, except as restricted by Regents’ Senior Management Group (SMG) Policies 7701 and 7707 and APM 666, and as delineated in UCI’s general honoraria procedures and/or UCI’s APP 9-10.

An honorarium should only be offered after approval has been obtained from the relevant individual delegated authority as specified below.

I am delegating authority to approve honoraria payments, subject to the UC policies and the UCI procedures referenced above, and the limitations stated below:

    1. Honoraria to UC Academic Appointees:

      The Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor may approve payments of honoraria to UC faculty up to $2,500 per event for one or more days and exceptions up to $5,000 per event. All honoraria to University of California faculty members must comply with APM 666 and be sent to the Office of Academic Personnel for review prior to approval by the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor. This authority may be redelegated to one academic administrator.

    2. All other honoraria for UC employees who are not academic appointees and individuals who are not university employees:
      1. Vice Chancellors, Associate Chancellors, Deans, and the Chief Executive Officer—UCI Health are delegated the authority to approve payment of honoraria up to $5,000. This authority may not be further redelegated.
      2. The Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor is delegated the authority to approve payment of honoraria up to $10,000. This authority may be redelegated to one deputy administrator.

This delegation of authority supersedes Chancellor Drake’s February 20, 2008, delegation, IDA 449, on the same subject.

Signed copy

Howard Gilman

cc: Vice Provost–Academic Personnel
Associate Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Office of Campus Counsel
Assistant Vice Chancellor–Academic Personnel
Controller and Assistant Vice Chancellor–Accounting & Fiscal Services
Director–Internal Audit
Manager–Administrative Policies